Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Praise Be The Chimney Sweeps!

Bored. I am Bored. Well, what the fuck do I care that your bored?, you might say. Well, if I die of boredom, also know as "ennui", the people hired to investigate my death will see this post and probably blame the reader for not calling medical help for me when I announced I was bored than they will have to find out who read this blog first, travel halfway around the world to find said person, than send him/her to court, where he/she will testify that it was a completely ridiculous case and "How was I supposed to know she was dying of boredom?" than the exasperated judge will roll her eyes, bang the little hammer and mumble how aspirin is a big fat lie than say something like "Defendant not guilty" than the jury will be all relieved and go home sit on the couch and watch soap operas and/or sports games, but my parents will probably hire some assasin from whatever-that-place-is-called to kill the bloke who supposedly "killed me" and that pathetic bloke will have to hide the rest of his life under a new name, grow a beard, and get a beerbelly (if said person doesn't have one already). Now, why go through all that trouble?
Anyways, before my little prediction, I was saying I was bored. I am so bored I have watched season 1-5 of "Without A Trace" and am halfway done with "House". I am not a soap opera person. Eew. I am a music gal. You could say I am also a scientist. I experiment...with music. Sure, my experiments don't work out so well., My neighbor nearly made her weener bite my leg off when I was trying to make punk opera. (Don't ask)